EPI PASH TH MNEIA hUMON - Philippians 1:3

From: Joseph Brian Tucker (music@riverviewcog.org)
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 20:30:09 EDT


I came across a rather simple construction in Philippians, that I soon
realized required some attention. EPI PASH TH MNEIA hUMON means, "in all
the [my]remembrance of you." Is this phrase a subjective genitive "for all
your remembrance [of me]." This seems contextually possible (4:10). This
requires a casual sense of EPI in verses 3 and 5 - and a parallel
prepositional clause understanding, as well. (verse 5 EPI hO KOINWNIA

Does this conflict with Paul's normal usage of MNEIA? In Romans, 1
Thessalonians, the reference is to Paul's remembrance of his addressees.
Because of the normal epistolary structure of Paul's writings, should EPI
PASH TH MNEIA hUMON be taken as an objective genitive?

Gordon Fee opts for, "everytime I remember you." As does Silva.
O'Brien opts for, "because of your remembrance of me."

I am working through this rather challenging sentence Philippians 1:3-7 and
would be happy for any remarks or guidance concerning this passage.

Thank You
Brian Tucker, M.A.
Riverivew, MI

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