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Re: [nafex] Hawthorn compatability

Title: Re: [nafex] Hawthorn compatability

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I've had experience grafting pear to hawthorn, with good results.  The native Crataegus douglasii makes a very good semi-dwarf stock.  Just be sure not to disturb the roots, which can make it sucker.  Seems like it would be a short step to grafting apples on it, if you used an interstem of Winter Banana, which is graft compatible with pears.  That is, you can graft pear on apple with a Winter Banana interstem, so why not apple on hawthorn with WB interstem?
-Lon Rombough
From: "Michael and Nancy Phillips" <mphil@together.net>
To: <nafex@egroups.com>
Subject: [nafex] Hawthorn compatability
Date: Tue, Sep 19, 2000, 3:11 AM

Hi all,
 Has anyone had experience grafting apple to hawthorn? This part of my question has to do with noticing round-headed appletree borer don't seem to attack hawthorn very readily. Of course if I put apple on top that could well change.
Secondly, has anyone grafted hawthorn to apple? We'd like to grow more hawthorn for medicinal purposes but I know apple rootstock is much more commonly available. One book I have mentions 100 to 1000 species of hawthorn in North America . . . might anyone out there know if any work has been done to identify species that have greater medicinal potency?
Michael Phillips
Heartsong Farm Healing Herbs
Lost Nation Orchard
RFD 1  Box 275
Groveton, NH 03582
(603) 636-2286
mphil@together.net <mailto:mphil@together.net>