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Dissertation Information for Marta Stiefel Ayala

- Marta Stiefel Ayala

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Texas Woman's University (USA) (1990)

- Bernard Schlessinger

- Frank L. Turner
- Francisco Anselmo Longoria
- Ana D. Cleveland
- Brooke E. Sheldon

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A Bibliometric Analysis of Cross-National Informtaion Flow Between Spanish-Speaking Latin America and English-Speaking North America

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine cross-national information flow between Spanish-speaking Latin America and English-speaking North America through citation analysis using a selected list of Latin American scholarly journals in sciences, social sciences and humanities, and to determine trends developing from 1965 to 1985. The study also focused on seven subsidiary questions dealing with language distribution and rate of translations of articles, geographic distribution and cross-national cooperation of authors and co-authors, cross-national distribution and time lag of citations, and coverage of the selected journals by international indexing and abstracting services.

Forty-seven Latin American journal titles were selected for this study. Pertinent citation data was collected for each of the articles meeting the criteria for inclusion. Data was stored and analyzed using REFLEX 2.0, a computerized database management system with cross-tabulation and graphing capabilities.

Major findings: (1) There was a positive balance of information flow from the USA towards Latin America. The USA was heavy referenced particularly in the sciences where 72 percent of all usable citations were to USA journals. (2) Commonality of language and culture, and geographic proximity had little impact on cross-national information flow. (3) One out of two articles was written and published in English in the sciences. The rate of translations from English to Spanish was minimal, less than 1 percent for the sciences; 3 and 4 percent respectively for the humanities and social sciences. (4) In all three disciplines, authors tended to publish in the same country where they worked. (5) A large percentage of the articles had single authorship, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. Co-authors were generally from the same country as authors. When co-authors were from different countries, they tended to be from the major information-producing Latin American countries and the USA. (6) Coverage in indexing and abstracting services, although it had increased through time, was still limited. (7) Latin American journals tended to reference older materials.

MPACT Scores for Marta Stiefel Ayala

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:12:35

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