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Dissertation Information for Linda Young Main

- Linda Young Main

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA) (1989)

- Lawrence Auld

- Linda C. Smith
- Dale Soderman Montanelli
- Martin Alan Siegel

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Computer simulation modeling and circulation: An exploration of some of the factors that inhibit the adoption of computer simulation models in libraries

Abstract: In 1975 M. Bommer said that computer simulation models had remained on the fringes of library science because too much attention has been devoted to the construction and solution of complex mathematical models, and too little attention to the implementation aspect. In 1980 A. Bosman and H. H. Sol criticized simulation models in libraries. They complained that there was inadequate validation of the models prior to their presentation to the library community. Four years later, in 1984, C. McClure made the same point, substantially reflecting the lack of progress in this field.

The research attempts to isolate key issues which might explain why computer simulation models are not implemented to any extent in libraries.

The research methodology used is (1) to select 6 circulation simulation models, (2) to map points of commonality and divergence in the models, (3) to compare each of them to a checklist of desirable features for the portion of the library being examined.

It was found that the models in themselves were not excessively mathematical, but the results were presented in a complex and mathematical way. Validation attempts were inadequate and little attention was paid to the question of implementation with its attendant concerns of human and financial resource requirements and data requirements.

The work concluded by suggesting that computer simulation modeling in libraries should be looked at again in light of (a) software developments, and (b) the potential for using computer simulation models with automated library systems.

MPACT Scores for Linda Young Main

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:17:22

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