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Dissertation Information for Quiangian Yang

- Quiangian Yang

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Columbia University (USA) (1997)

- Arlene G. Taylor

- Robert Austerlitz
- Olha Della Cava

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Characteristics of materials used by English-speaking linguists in their publications: A citation study of literature requirements, citing functions, and citing trends

Abstract: The study described in this dissertation used citation analysis as a research method to examine the significant characteristics of the literature cited by linguists and the changes in their patterns of bibliographic citations from 1969 to 1989. The study also looked into citing functions and changes in citing functions over time. Citing behaviors were compared among the authors of monographs, journal articles, essays, and dissertations.

Three samples were taken from the linguistics section of MLA International Bibliography for the years 1969, 1979, and 1989. A total of 17,657 citations were analyzed. The investigated variables included form, time span, language distribution, subject dispersion, title dispersion, concentration of citations, and motivations for citing. Chi-square tests and analysis of variance were used in determining the significance of the results.

The findings showed that the serial was the primary form cited in linguistic publications. After 50 years, the chances for a work to be cited were about one percent. Apart from linguistic, psychology, medicine, and the natural sciences were the most cited subjects. There were differences in the characteristics of the literature cited by linguists based on forms. Linguists writing monographs tended to cite monographs, older materials, and more foreign languages. Linguists writing journal articles liked to cite serials, more current materials, and less foreign languages. Authors of essays and dissertations fell somewhere in the middle. Operational information was found to be the major reason for citing. Over the years a gradual shift took place in citing from monographs to serials, from foreign languages to English, from psychology to medicine and the natural sciences.

MPACT Scores for Quiangian Yang

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:02:10

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