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Dissertation Information for Hyoil Han

- Hyoil Han

- Ph.D.

- Cognitive Science

- University of Texas, Arlington (USA) (2002)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: Conceptual modeling and ontology extraction for Web information

Abstract: "This dissertation contributes research towards the long-term goal of automating the extraction of conceptual models/ontologies from Web pages. A lot of work has been done in the area of extracting data content from the Web, but less attention has been given to extracting the types or conceptual schema underlying Web data. The goal of the WebOntEx (Web Ontology Extraction) project is to make progress towards semi-automatically extracting Web ontology by analyzing a set of Web pages that are in the same application domain. The ontology is considered as a complete schema of the application domain concepts. We hypothesize that there is an underlying conceptual structure to each Web page, even though the structure may be implicit. Hence we look at Web page structure as part of the schema for an application domain. Our ontology meta-concepts are based on the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model. The concepts are classified into entity types, relationships, and attributes.

The WebOntEx system tries to identify patterns for ontological semantic concepts from the data in Web pages. These patterns can be used to capture evolving ontologies from Web pages in order to construct a meta-database for the ontology concepts. WebOntEx extracts patterns for ontology concepts by utilizing the general use of HTML tags and Part-Of-Speech tagging and by applying heuristic rules and machine learning techniques, in particular inductive logic programming (ILP). WebOntEx extracts domain specific concepts by extracting word meanings and relationships from the WordNet electronic dictionary. The extracted patterns for ontologies can be used in various important applications, such as understanding Web information content, building Web meta-data, more intelligent Web searching (such as, ontology-based search), and automatic conversion of HTML Web pages to other formats, such as XML."

MPACT Scores for Hyoil Han

A = 2
C = 1
A+C = 3
T = 2
G = 1
W = 2
TD = 2
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-22 23:34:31

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