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Dissertation Information for John C. Tyson

- John C. Tyson

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Simmons College (USA) (1988)

- Robert Stueart

- None

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A study of the personality type of academic library directors in the Commonwealth of Virginia using the Myers Briggs type indicator

Abstract: The purpose is to describe the personality types, as measured by the Myers•Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), of academic library directors in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This study was limited to determining whether or not a dominant personality type could be identified among individuals attracted to academic library administration. The study population consisted of 70 (34 females and 36 males) library directors of Virginia's public and independent institutions of higher education. Data were collected through mail distribution of a demographic information questionnaire and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument. Scoring is by means of computer services of the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT). Results were returned as 16-cell selection ratio type tables for the sample population and its subgroups compared with base populations of librarians in non-administrative positions (n=267); administrators in educationally related organizations (n= 122); adult male college graduates (n=6814); adult female college graduates (n=7952); high school students from Pennsylvania (n=9320); male high school students (n=4933) and female high school students (n=4387). The demographic, academic, and career data provided by the library directors were analyzed collectively, categorically, and individually. Personality types were compared according to sex, age, education level, major and minor undergraduate studies, years of previous library experience in public services, technical services and administrative services, occupation prior to entering librarianship, and years in current position. The type tables show the numbers and percentages of individuals under their types and in type groupings, ratios of groups to the base, and levels of probability that significant findings were due to chance. The study was analyzed by identifying MBTI models for each in consideration of the significant differences from the base. Conclusions included indications that the chosen base populations simulated the estimated general population distribution and that academic libraries in Virginia tended to select several MBTI types as directors: 1. Individually, 75% of the academic library directors were "thinking types" who preferred to base their judgments on logic and objective analysis and tended to be task. oriented as opposed to basing their judgments on personal values and tending to be more people oriented. 2. Individually, 75% of the academic library directors were also "judging types" who preferred a planned and organized approach to life and tended to want things settled and decided as opposed to preferring an adaptable, flexible, and spontaneous approach to life with tendencies to like to stay open to new experience. 3. Collectively, 60% of the directors were identified in the ISTI, INTJ, ESTJ, and ENTJ type categories sharing both the T and J in their respective profiles. 4. When compared to the general population (n=9320), INTI emerged as a distinct profile for the collective group with an implied significance at the .001 level. 5. When compared to other librarians, academic library administrators tended to differ significantly at the .001 level. The administrators tended to be more "thinking types" whereas the librarians tended to be more "feeling types". 6. The library administrators tended to be more similar to other administrators in personality type than to other librarians; female library administrators tended to differ significantly from the general female population.

MPACT Scores for John C. Tyson

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:33:26

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