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Dissertation Information for Katherine Cveljo

- Katherine Cveljo

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Case Western Reserve University (USA) (1975)

- Tefko Saracevic

- Jesse H. Shera
- Conrad H. Rawski
- Branimir Simic-Clavaski

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Education for Librarianship in Yugoslavia: An Historical Survey, State of the Art and Future Prospects

Abstract: This study presents a survey of library education in Yugoslavia from its scattered origins in the early 1900's down to the present day. It is also an historical reviewand interpretative summary of Yugoslavia's library scene, underlined by the geographical, historical and cultural reality of the country, in hope that it may contribute to a better understanding among foreign librarians of Yugoslavia's library problems and progress. Both formal library science degree programs and examples of independent professional courses have been studied. The principal sources for this work have been the archives of library associations, the available archival materials of the government agencies, personal files of librarians in the country, library journals, conference and congress proceedings, and selected government documents pertaining to laws and legal regulations for libraries and library training. Interviews were conducted with librarians having played a major role in the development of library education in Yugoslavia over the past twenty-five years. While research has shown that professional consciousness and libraries with rich collections have existed on the territory of Yugoslavia in the early l8OO's, if not earlier, one must await the first library science training course to develop in 1943, to be fOllowed by a similar course in 1946 and the founding of the Bibliotekarska skola (1948) in Beograd for the first example of continuing education in the field. Although legal acts, regulating library appointments through rigorous state professional examinations, were issued in prewar Yugoslavia (1928, 1929, 1931), no form of library training existed. The founding of Bibliotekarska skola (1948)--a secondary school for 1ibrarianship in Beograd, marked the beginning of library science degree programs inpostwar Yugoslavia. Degree programs are organized within teacher-training institutions (Sarajevo /1961-1969/, Ljubijana /1963- ), Rijeka /1965- ), and the most recent program in Pristina) for school and public librarians. The founding of Center of Post-graduate Study in Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences in Zagreb (1964- has set the trend for post-graduate university studies. Several programs are in process of development: (1) studies combining -librarianship with drama and general literature at the University of Sarajevo, and (2) the most recent development--the post graduate program at the University at Beograd developed on an interfacultybasis. As 1t stands today: (1) developments in library education tend to correspond to the accepted classification of positions found in 1ibraries throughout the country (lower, middle and higher),(2) employment is regulated by civil service appointments through a system of professional examinations, (3) a great' diversity exists in the form and level of development of library training in the various parts of the country, (4) the need for more library science degree programs on all levels seems fairly obvious in view of the critical shortage of personnel in the field, and (5) although inservice training and professional courses seem to dominate the present library education scene in Yugoslavia, the course of study of formal library training is a forward looking program with newer developments expected to occur in the next few years; the newer developments point to a changing climate of action regarding libraries and library education.

MPACT Scores for Katherine Cveljo

A = 0
C = 8
A+C = 8
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-20 14:37:53

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