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Dissertation Information for Roberto J Vela Cordoba

- Roberto J Vela Cordoba

- Ph.D.

- Spanish and Portugese

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Luis Davila

- John H. McDowell
- Russell Salmon
- Melissa Dinverno

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: El horizonte poetico en tres obras de Raul Zurita: "Purgatorio", "Anteparaiso" y "La vida nueva

Abstract: My study examines the works of the Chilean poet Raúl Zurita, published between 1973, the year of Augusto Pinochet's military coup, and the end of the dictator's regime in 1993. Zurita's poetry emerges as a response to Pinochet's dictatorship, capable of evading censorship in the midst of the most repressive society in Latin America. His poetic enterprise reveals the individual and collective urgency to expiate the trauma inflicted upon Chilean society and sets out to recapture both historical memory and a sense of hope.

While the literary work of Raúl Zurita is not limited to the Pinochet years, this study focuses on three collections of poetry published during the two decades of the military rule: Purgatorio (1979), Anteparaíso (1983), and La vida nueva (1993). As I examine these works, I demonstrate not only an evolutionary development in the poetic voice that unites these works, but I also analyze the manner in which Zurita adheres to a poetic tradition in Hispanic America, which is intertwined with the struggle of the dispossessed and marginalized. In this context, I explore how Zurita incorporates elements of the indigenous experience on the American continent. By depicting a multi-temporal identity and history with the land, Zurita's poetry reasserts a profound historical and territorial claim to the continent by its original inhabitants.

Zurita's work radically transforms poetic landscape through the inclusion of elements traditionally alien to poetic language; the poet also transforms traditional forms of writing by tracing his poetry in spaces other than the page, be it his own body or the sky, with the aid of airplanes. Finally, Zurita's poetry transforms the image of authority, his own as author, as well as that of political authority, by expanding his voice through the transcriptions of the testimonies of populations of displaced indigenous peoples. Ultimately, Zurita's poetry not only continues the epic struggle to maintain the memory of the American continent, but also seeks new spaces, forms and meanings that echo the voice of the American people.

MPACT Scores for Roberto J Vela Cordoba

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-06 18:10:24

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