Dr. R.  Banerjee (Chinese and Central Asian Scholar)

Dr. R.  Banerjee

Lectures delivered

Lectures Delivered


Chinese Art at National Museum in December'1998
Delivered Twenty Lectures on Chinese Art at National Museum Institute (September 1998 to December 1998)
Delivered Six lectures on Indian Art at the National Museum Institute, New Delhi (1997)
Mahayana Buddhist Pantheon at the National Museum Institute, New Delhi, 1997
Buddhist Silk Banners from Dunhuang at National Museum Institute in Dec 1996
Tang Buddhist Painting at National Museum Institute in December 1996
The Sui Buddhist Painting at the National Museum Institute of the History of Art 
Conservation and Museology, National Museum, Janpath, New Delhi in October 1996
The evolution of Bohisattva concept - at Tibet House, Delhi, 1995
Composite art, at Delhi University, 1993
Avalokitesvara a Syncretic deity, at Delhi University, 1992
Avalokitesvara - The all - sided one, IGNCA, 1990


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Resume of   Dr. Priyatosh Banerjee