Dr. R.  Banerjee (Chinese and Central Asian Scholar)

Dr. R.  Banerjee

Paper Presentations

Presented papers on 


"Artistic flow between India and China (2nd century B.C. to 10th century B.C.) in the National Seminar on Aesthetic Tradition in Indian Art, March 18th to 19th, 1999.
Submitted two exhaustive Reports on the "Synthetic Nature of Central Asian Art and Iconography" with special reference to Chinese Turkestan" to UNESCO in 1997 (as an awarded of UNESCO Fellow)
"Harappan Terracotta Art" in Umesh Mishra's Felicitation Volume, Sandeep Prakashan, Delhi, 1995.
"The Concept of Bodhisattva and its visual representation" at the International Seminar organised by Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, China, 1994.
The technique of Metal Casting in Shimla and Neighbouring regions, 1987 (A dissertation submitted to the Institute of Archaeology, ASI, New Delhi).

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Resume of   Dr. Priyatosh Banerjee