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  • January 11-12, 2001: ALISE annual conference:  Reconsidering library and information science education, Washington D.C.

  • October 30– November 4, 2000WebNet 2000 at San Antonio, Texas.

  • June 12-13, 2000NSF: Digital Libraries Initiative 2nd Meeting at Moat House Hotel, Stratford upon Avon, U.K.

  • May 10-11, 2000Z39.50 in Museums: A workshop for Florida’s Collections

  • March 18, 2000A conference on libraries and museums in the digital world (titled Web-wise) was sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the University of Missouri-Columbia and held in Washington D.C. from March 15-17, 2000.

  • December 18-21, 1999Visited the Missouri Botanical Garden and discussed its Preserving and Digitizing Collections Images Project to see how we might collaborate in the future.

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