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This site takes music that is in the public domain, meaning a work that belongs to the community, and has it recorded by individuals and…
Founded in 1997 and incorporated in December 1998, Lampo is a nonprofit presenter of experimental music and intermedia events. The organization, which…
Born in a promise between two sisters – Nancy Brinker to her sister, Susan G. Komen, who died from breast cancer at the age of 36 – the Susan G.…
KELI is a Mumbai based organization dedicated to the preservation, development and propagation of the traditional classical art forms. Includes a…
South African portal for sharing music licensed under creative commons
A site for software, artwork, space, science and fun: Contribute to development, workshops and publications of software, artwork and high resolution…
For a democratic society to function properly, citizens must participate in their government, be educated to think critically and be able to freely…
iNSIDEoUT is a network of youth and gay-straight alliances working to connect and empower young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,…
Academic examination of the term "outsider art" and it's application.
An extensive look into the culture of one of Humanity's oldest continuous civilizations. There is always a symbolic meaning behind almost…