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Dissertation Information for Linda A. Forrest

- Linda A. Forrest

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Florida State University (USA) (1993)

- Thomas L. Hart

- Karla Kelsay
- Elisabeth A. Logan

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Factors affecting the diffusion of information technology innovation in the school library media center: A qualitative study

Abstract: The purpose of this ethnographic case study was to examine the factors inherent in the diffusion of information technology innovation in the school library media center. The introduction of innovation and the diffusion process were observed in a small, rural high school, as were the ways in which the school library media specialist responded to and affected the process.

Empirical data were gathered through observation, interviews, and document analysis and were organized and analyzed using the constant comparative method. A computer software program designed for use in qualitative research was employed in coding and memo writing.

A model illustrating three interactive and interrelated factors evident in the diffusion process was conceptualized. The factors are: facilitating diffusion, supporting diffusion, and shaping diffusion. Ten themes affecting the process and the role of the school library media specialist were manifested within these factors; the themes involved the attitudes and training of the specialist and of the faculty and administration as well as the characteristics of the innovations. Four diffusion-related roles of the professional were identified: change agent, innovator, opinion leader, and monitor.

As a result of the examination and analysis of the data, four assertions related to the role of the school library media specialist and the diffusion of information technology innovation were generated. (1) The professional is critical to the success of the diffusion of information technology innovation. (2) The specialist performs four co-occurring diffusion-related roles in the innovation process. (3) The professional diffuses information technology innovation to the entire school community. The time and effort required varies both with the number of innovations and with their complexity. (4) The established instructional and curricular roles of the school library media specialist will be strongly affected and changed by continuing involvement with information technology innovation.

MPACT Scores for Linda A. Forrest

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:05:06

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