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David the distro man

by David Kirsh


Mia Kirsh
Jeff Saviano

How to Volunteer
with the Prism

I've had the job of temporary distribution co-ordinator for the last... is it seven years? Ever since Dennis Gavin of Skylight Exchange stopped doing it. I keep raising a fuss and asking if other volunteers would take on the mild responsibility so that I can devote more energy to writing and editing. The Prism is even offering a $500 reward for doing a set of distribution tasks that still awaits takers.

What keeps me going is the realization that it does no good to have a provocative, indispensible publication if it's just going to lay around in tied-up stacks. What keeps me going is the feeling that I'm planting little seeds. (Sort of like Johnny Appleseed, another seemingly innocuous subversive from a different era of US history.) The seeds may not sprout for a while, but the more of them spread around, the more possibilities there are for radical ideas and questions to take root.

But please, let me get back to the farm. Come on, can't somebody else sow for a while? Travel the Triangle, meet nice people, and radicalize them.


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