Welcome to the Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit. You are in the Main Hall.
From here you can go to several rooms.
More information can be found in
The EXPO Book Store can give you more information about the beautiful catalog.
There is a free EXPO Shuttle Bus waiting outside. It is very comfortable and quickly takes you to other exciting EXPO exhibits. It also makes a routine stop at the EXPO Ticket Office.
Next to the entrance door, there is the EXPO Bulletin Board, with all kinds of notes from various visitors. Among other things, it contains up to date info from the EXPO organization.
Note: This hypertext Library contains inlined images in GIF format. The tiny pictures you see in the text are links to full size JPEG equivalents (each are 100-400 Kb apiece).
The original data was copied by FTP from ftp.loc.gov. Questions or comments about the online exhibit should be directed to the Library of Congress World Wide Web Team (lcweb@loc.gov).
wishes to thank Frans van Hoesel
(hoesel@chem.rug.nl) who created the hypermedia interface for this
exhibit and Marc Andreessen
(marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu) for the corrections he made to this exhibit.
John Ockerbloom (ockerbloom@cs.cmu.edu) kindly donated a few pages of hypertext.
The text and images in the Online Exhibit ROME REBORN: THE VATICAN LIBRARY AND RENAISSANCE CULTURE are for the personal use of students, scholars, and the public. Any commercial use or publication of them is strictly prohibited.
Hypermedia created by Frans van Hoesel, Hoesel@chem.rug.nl