
* All the above are trademarks of respective software projects
Over 11 Languages, 5 popular Integrated Development Environments, 4 GUI designers, 5 GUI toolkits, extensive language bindings,
wide collection of offline documentation and with core Onebase support all in a Single LiveCD. So, Load it and choose your Path!
- Special flavor of OnebaseGo meant exclusively for programmers
- A Live Development Platform that requires no installation, insert CD, boot and start programming
- New! Developer Look-n-Feel KDE theme with CrystalClear Icon set
- Provided with all the include files and libraries required for compilation support
- Full Linux kernel source is provided in it
- With the "USBdrive save support", save and recover your program settings and data
- Extensive collection of offline documentation and bookmarks to developer sites
- Other salient features of OnebaseGo and Onebase Linux are present
- Kdevelop 3.1.2
IDE for KDE that supports many languages and bindings
- MonoDevelop 0.7
A Free .net development environment with support for C#
- Anjuta 1.2.2
A GNOME based development studio meant for GTK and GNOME bindings
- QTdesigner 3.3.4
A Visual Basic alike designer for Linux
- Kommander 1.1
A WYSIWYG GUI Builder with scripting features
- Bluefish 1.0
A powerful editor for experienced Web designers
- Eclispe 3.1
An exclusive Java development Platform with all the functionality
- Eric 3.7.1
A full featured Python and Ruby IDE
- Glade 2.9.0
An User Interface Builder for GTK+ and GNOME
- Kdev Designer 0.1
An integrated GUI designer for Kdevelop
- Java 1.4.2
Platform Independent object oriented Language with SDK and JVM
- GCC 3.4.3
Opensource compiler and interpreter for C, C++, Obj C
- PERL 5.8.6
"Practical Extraction and Report Language", is an interpreted procedural programming language used for Web servers and CGI scripts
- Python 2.4
An interpreted, interactive programming language (script based)
- Boo 0.5.5
An object-oriented, statically typed programming language
- Mono C# 1.1.7
An open source implementation of the Microsoft .NET architecture
- TCL 8.4.9
"Tool Command Language", used for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs and testing
- Ruby 1.8.2
An OOL interperated scripting language
- LUA 5.0.2
A lightweight, reflective, imperative and procedural language, designed for scripting
- BASH 3.0
A scripting language used by system administrators
- COBOL 0.32
Support for COBOL is provided opencobol compiler and interpreter
- QT 3.3.4
A cross-platform graphical widget toolkit for the development of GUI programs (KDE)
- GTK+ 2.6.7
The GIMP Toolkit and Widgets for creating GUI applications
- TK 8.4.9
GUI toolkit for TCL
- Lesstif 0.94.0
Contains OSF/Motif standard GUI toolkit and library
- FLTK 1.1.6
A lightweight, cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
- Ruby-gnome2 0.9.1
GNOME Widget bindings for Ruby used for creating GUI
- KDEbindings 3.4.0
Contains KDE based language bindings for Python, Perl, Ruby
- PyKDE 3.11.3
A set of Python bindings for the KDE
- PyQT 3.14.1
A set of Python bindings for the QT
- PyGTK 2.6.1
GTK+ toolkit for Python
- Gnome-Python 2.10.0
Gnome widgets for Python (script based GUI)
- CVS 1.11.9
A version control system for managing software code
- GDB 6.3
GNU debugger for verifying bugs in software
- Planner 0.13
Project Management Tool
- DistCC 2.18.3
A program to distribute builds of C, C++
- Ccache 2.4
A compiler cache for making compilation fast
- Apache ANT Tool 1.6.5
Ant is a java-based build tool from Apache
- Bash Scripting - Advanced Bash shell scripting Guide
- DotNet API - Access to complete API information of Mono
- FLTK Guide - FLTK toolkit programming guide
- Glade Tutorial - Guide on how to create interfaces using Glade
- GTK+ API - The complete GTK+ API documentation
- GUI Python - Tutorials to create GUI using Gnome python binding
- Java programming - Guide to create Java programs using eclipse
- Kdevelop Tutorials - Small tutorials on using Kdevelop IDE
- Kernel Programming - Linux Kernel Guide for creating drivers and system software
- Programming Guide - Introduction to Linux Programming
- Python QT Book - Offline book on developing GUI using PyQT
- QT Assistant - QT toolkit documentation browser
- Ruby Book - A detailed guide on Ruby scripting language
- Ruby-Gnome Guide - Documentation on Gnome based Ruby bindings
- TCL/TK Docs - Introduction to TCL/TK programming language
GUI designer

API documentation

Eclipse Java SDK

Multi-Language IDE

DevelopGo Mainscreen


Project Management Tool

Note: The below comparison is based on Website facts. Please report if you want to make corrections.
For a more true and detailed first hand information it is recommended to visit: www.microsoft.com and
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition (TM)
Onebase DevelopGo Edition 1.0
Windows (TM)
Linux Platform
A single unified IDE with no other choices
A collection of powerful IDE listed above
You need to install Visual Studio .NET to hard-disk, inorder to run it
Installation is not required, simply boot the CD and start programming!, Besides there is install option
CLI support
Very little Command Line Interface support even if present
Powerful CLI support with many scripting languages. Useful for testing and debugging
under minimum system load conditions
Language support
Languages supported are C,C++, C#, Java, J#, VBasic, SQL
Enables you to program in 11 Languages that includes high-level, intrepreted and scripting
Extensive API documentation, but lacks in tutorials and examples
Large set of offline documentation. And bookmarks of various developer sites
The tool is closed source and commercial.
All the tools provided with DevelopGo are OpenSource and with access to source code of all applications.
GUI Interfaces
Supports a single toolkit (Windows) for creating GUI interfaces
With over 7 different toolkits for creating GUI with each having its own advantages and ease of use.
.NET Support
Has the best integrated .NET support for developing applications
Quickly growing .NET clone called Mono with IDE and documentation browser
Language bindings
Very little language binding support. Which restricts
the options of interpreted languages like Perl, Python
Excellent language bindings features like GTK and QT bindings
for Perl, Python, Ruby, TCL
Per-system Licensing. Additional copies required for multiple PCs.
And distribution of copies or modification of tools is not allowed
Based on group licensing that allows the user to use DevelopGo in multiple computers. Modification of existing code is permitted.
Different editions with price ranging from $799 to $2499 US
With a $10 download account, have access to all Onebase Products. And FREE with